Running ‘Independent’ at 21 with Jordan Templeman – GT006

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It was a refreshing to sit down and chat with Independent Candidate and 21 year old Political Science student Jordan Templeman. I enjoyed hearing his well considered thoughts on all the major issues, the major political parties and his experience so far running in this election. It was encouraging and inspiring.... and I definitely learned a lot once again. We covered many of the same topics from my chats with Dr. Chris Maxwell and Andrew Reeve, but from yet another perspective - the Independent perspective, as well as delving into some new areas. - Visit Jordan on Facebook Some topics we cover include: - Running as an independent and his decision to give this a go - Whips - they have a place, but maybe not all the time (the Greens might have a good thing going here) - Minority & Majority Government - His Platform, where he lands on the political spectrum (Left/Right) and how he'd want to support his riding/community - Campaigning and how there is often party bashing and pointing fingers, his view... "It should be about what you can do better for the province, not what other people have done negatively for the province." - Party donations - if it's wrong it's wrong - Site C Dam - he's more concerned with the economic side than the environmental side - Clean Energy, the Fossil Fuel sector and Jobs - creating jobs is good, so is clean industry but we have to also think of those that could be displaced from work and end up having a skills gap while looking for new employment - Daycare - $10/day ... maybe a better idea is to raise the 'child allowance' and the age to which it is paid (currently 6yrs old in BC, apparently the lowest in the country) - Youth and young adults - how to get them more interested and involved... "How do we get them interested before they're negatively impacted at all?" - Changing the voting age to 16 - if they can join the military, shouldn't they be able to vote? - Electoral Reform - a referendum is really the only way to approach it in a truly democratic way, he said ... "An ignorant democracy is better than a well informed dictatorship." **I end the chat with asking about his plans after the election - what a jerk I am, anything could happen, he could be elected, all people have to do is VOTE for him!... anyway, I think his response here really shows his maturity, character and integrity. Good on ya Jordan! Thanks for listening & I hope you enjoy! *If you like what you hear and you think it’s important, please share it with as many people as you can… hopefully we can all become a little more aware and involved.* – Until Next time… Stay Curious – CJ 🙂 ***Party Platforms*** BC Greens Party Platform BC Liberal Party Platform BC Liberal Party – Vancouver Island Platform BC NDP Party Platform Buy us a Coffee $5...  a Beer $8... or some Time, Energy or Equipment $$ - Many thanks for all the Support!! twitter: @WeGovernThis *SHOW NOTES … to come
It was a refreshing to sit down and chat with Independent Candidate and 21 year old Political Science student Jordan Templeman. I enjoyed hearing his well considered thoughts on all the major issues, the major political parties and his experience so far running in this election. It was encouraging and inspiring.... and I definitely learned a lot once again. We covered many of the same topics from my chats with Dr. Chris Maxwell and Andrew Reeve, but from yet another perspective - the Independent perspective, as well as delving into some new areas. - Visit Jordan on Facebook Some topics we cover include: - Running as an independent and his decision to give this a go - Whips - they have a place, but maybe not all the time (the Greens might have a good thing going here) - Minority & Majority Government - His Platform, where he lands on the political spectrum (Left/Right) and how he'd want to support his riding/community - Campaigning and how there is often party bashing and pointing fingers, his view... "It should be about what you can do better for the province, not what other people have done negatively for the province." - Party donations - if it's wrong it's wrong - Site C Dam - he's more concerned with the economic side than the environmental side - Clean Energy, the Fossil Fuel sector and Jobs - creating jobs is good, so is clean industry but we have to also think of those that could be displaced from work and end up having a skills gap while looking for new employment - Daycare - $10/day ... maybe a better idea is to raise the 'child allowance' and the age to which it is paid (currently 6yrs old in BC, apparently the lowest in the country) - Youth and young adults - how to get them more interested and involved... "How do we get them interested before they're negatively impacted at all?" - Changing the voting age to 16 - if they can join the military, shouldn't they be able to vote? - Electoral Reform - a referendum is really the only way to approach it in a truly democratic way, he said ... "An ignorant democracy is better than a well informed dictatorship." **I end the chat with asking about his plans after the election - what a jerk I am, anything could happen, he could be elected, all people have to do is VOTE for him!... anyway, I think his response here really shows his maturity, character and integrity. Good on ya Jordan! Thanks for listening & I hope you enjoy! *If you like what you hear and you think it’s important, please share it with as many people as you can… hopefully we can all become a little more aware and involved.* – Until Next time… Stay Curious – CJ 🙂 ***Party Platforms*** BC Greens Party Platform BC Liberal Party Platform BC Liberal Party – Vancouver Island Platform BC NDP Party Platform Buy us a Coffee $5...  a Beer $8... or some Time, Energy or Equipment $$ - Many thanks for all the Support!! twitter: @WeGovernThis *SHOW NOTES … to come
Running ‘Independent’ at 21 with Jordan Templeman – GT006
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